6/30/2002 A Walk Down Abbey Road with Alan Parsons, Christopher Cross, Jack Bruce and Mark Farner, Celebrity Theatre, Phoenix, AZ

19 years ago today... June 30, 2002 - Phoenix, AZ An All-Star cast of musicians celebrated the Beatles in "A Walk Down Abbey Road," a tribute concert at Celebrity Theatre. This was a unique concert in that the first half of the show was the musicians playing the hits they are known for, followed by the same artists joining together to play songs from the Abbey Road album. Alan Parsons (Alan Parsons Project) led the band which included Todd Rundgren, Christopher Cross, Jack Bruce of Cream and Mark Farner of Grand Funk Railroad. Bruce and Farner were still stuck in the seventies in terms of their tunes and stage wardrobe, but were the top performers of the night IMO. This variety show of greatest hits and Beatles classics was a lot of fun.